Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!

Greetings To all.

Let's start by thanking Ben Galioto and Ed Amaty for their hard work and dedication to keeping skeet shooting alive and well in New Jersey. They have succeeded and deserve ALL the support we can give.

There's a great outlook for Skeet shooting in NJ in 2023. All that is needed is the maximum support and participation of us.

Our first NJSSA meeting of 2023 is scheduled for February 4th at JBMDL. All interested are encouraged to attend. Items for discussion include: - NJSSA event schedule for this year. Please present any proposed events. - Member club status. (Chairmen are encouraged to attend and or send input to greg prior to meeting date) - NSSA Shoot schedules for 2023 - State Shoot - fees, awards and finance. - Ideas to promote skeet participation in NJ. - Ideas for Youth Programs and league shooting. - Treasurer's report.

If you have any input please plan to attend. Any items you would like added to the agenda please contact greg.florhamsket@gmail.com

Looking forward to a GREAT YEAR. Be a part of it.