December 3, 2021 Officers meeting minutes
Officers Meeting Date: 12/3/21 Location: Joint Base Rod & Gun Club (Range 14)

Officers present: Ben Galioto, Treasurer ● Ed Amaty, Chief Referee ● Joint Base skeet chairman, James Garrett ● Kevin Dawkins ● Raymond Stas

Ed Amaty called the meeting to order @ 3:00 PM

Treasurers Report Current balance as of 12/03/21 $6,861.56

2021 NJSSA Financial Statements were reviewed and motion made to accept and passed.

New Business:

2022 Joint Base Skeet schedule was reviewed and discussed. It will be posted to the NJSSA website

Procedure to transfer NJSSA revenue to a newly elected treasurer (1) NJSSA meeting (2) A treasurer must be nominated (3) Meeting minutes must be posted in NJSSA website (4) Membership notified (5) New Treasurer must open a new account (6) Existing documentation must be transferred to new treasurer

Officers agreed to the following steps if and when a new Treasurer is elected.

Motion was brought up to hire Kevin Dawkins as the 2021 State Shoot Administrator. Motion was accepted. Kevin tentatively agreed to accept. He will make a final decision by July 1, 2021.

Raymond Cronk who is scheduled to relocate to a different state provided a heartfelt letter commemorating his shooting career in New Jersey.

Motion was made to schedule next NJSSA officers meeting 2/26/22 @ 10:00 AM

Motion was made to adjourn meeting at 4:30 PM.