January Meeting Minutes
Minutes for January, 2013

The meeting was held at Pine Belt on 1/16/13 at 7:30 pm. Present were Joe Hall, Russ Paul, Bob Kalantari, Ed Amaty and Jay Taylor. First order of business was the program for the State Shoot. We need to solicit ads and boosters. The State Shoot will be August 16, 17, andn18.

There was a discussion concerning awards. It was decided that medals would remain the same as last year.

There was a discussion about the Hall of Fame committee and it was decided to ask Jim Hilton, Tony Horling, and Marvin if they would be interested.

The balance in the treasury is $5,313.

All shoot dates are in and complete for this year. This was an informal meeting with no real format. The next meeting was scheduled for Monday, February 11 at Fort Dix.